The aim
- Development of blended learning offering tools and data resources, based on the subject of innovative eco-friendly technologies for sustainable development, and the EQF/NQF strategic system.
The objectives
- Apply the principles of adult education (AE) in the deployment of modules matching adult educators’ needs
- Constitute and deliver AE experiences respecting the targets’ needs and integrate AE with practice exploiting the vast capacity of mobile learning
- Offer a scheme for gaining competitive competences emphasizing on eco-innovative character of technologies for sustainable development
- Exploit EQF and ECVET validation instruments to facilitate recognition of skills and competences adopted via AE
- Encourage environmentally promising innovation paths to integrate of eco-friendly and innovation efforts implementing the concept of “Education for Sustainable Development”
The target groups
Adult educators, i.e. professionals who practice the profession of facilitating the learning of adults by applying the principles of androgogy, in particular:
- Teaching practitioners: teachers/trainers
- Qualified trainers of adult learners in alternance schemes
- Skilled workers who oversee practical training in the workplace, workplace tutors, mentors, supervisors
- Teachers and/or trainers conducting practical classes, for example, in laboratories or workshops
Other educators, among which: in-company trainers; SMEs’ personnel performing training-related activities; external trainers who usually work as freelancers or for training providers.