• Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria – project participant is the first institution of higher education in Bulgaria. For more than a century Sofia University has been the national foremost centre for university education and research in both fundamental theoretical and applied areas. Today it is the largest university in the country with 102 degree programmes offered by 16 faculties. The teaching staff includes a significant part of the best specialists in Bulgaria in all major areas of sciences and humanities. Research is an integral part of the teaching process. It is a prerequisite for keeping pace with the most recent developments in the respective areas for both the lecturers and university structures – laboratories, faculties, etc. International relations have a special place in the University’s global strategy as they considerably stimulate research, and support and improve the quality of teaching. Sofia University is the leader in the country in terms of the number of participants in the students’ and lecturers’ mobility and the implementation of the idea of European space in the domain of university education. It is a pioneering institution in a well-planned VET blending in technology, science and business. It provides progressive upward movement to the students in the technical education and VET system, based on their aptitudes and abilities with main aspirations to achieve professional excellence. Sofia University contributes significantly to the Bulgarian participation in the global development of science and education. Its main objective is to provide educational programmes constantly meeting the EU quality standards (ENQA) and transferability schemes (EQF/ECTS/ECVET), thus facilitating planning, delivery, evaluation, recognition and validation of qualifications and students’ mobility. https://www.uni-sofia.bg/