• Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

Training in innovative eco-friendly technologies -contribution to improve adult educators’ ability to adapt to changes in the labor market and society

  • Country: Bulgaria
  • Organized by: ROMB Ltd.
  • Potential participants: Teachers, trainers and other learning facilitators (incl. non-teaching staff) engaged with adult education; Professionals from R & D organizations and employers/managers of settings whose activity is in the project field; Decision-makers and social partners at local level; Curriculum developers from non-formal educational settings
  • IOs covered: all
  • Main topics: Acquaintance with the operation of project web-based platform; Approbation of assembling Training Pathways to exploit ECO-Train blended training possibilities; Practical use of the ICTR guide and program operation tools

Event report


Acquisition of new knowledge and skills in innovative eco-friendly technologies – practical implementation for social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development

    • Country: Bulgaria
    • Organized by: Intellect Foundation
    • Potential participants: Responsible staff from NGOs, R&D Centers and SMEs training departments; Teachers, trainers and other learning facilitators of adults’ education; Local education policy-makers and social partners; SMEs personnel responsible for training and up-skilling
    • IOs covered: all
    • Main topics: Demonstration and pilot exploitation of the blended training scheme in the e-environment; Support of staff to work part-time as trainers and part-time in industry; Attracting candidates with high quality professional skills to the adult training occupation through specialized e-training

Event report


ECO-Train ICT-based training pathways - contribution to innovative qualifications design based on EQF/NQFs and ECVET

    • Country: Bulgaria
    • Organized by: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohriski”
    • Potential participants: Representatives from different educational institutions whose scope of education activity is focused on project specific subject and who support the project advancement; Researchers from NGOs and R&D Centers whose scientific background is related to green technologies; Professionals, working in adult education and other interested parties
    • IOs covered: all
    • Main topics: The training opportunities ECO-Train project is offering in both training scheme and subject specific content; Contribution of these opportunities to people that need up-/re-skilling and those seeking jobs in the project field; ECO-Train practical instructions to adult educators for ICT in training and guide for Learning Outcomes-based modules implementation: use and application; Valuation of the use of personalized training pathways

Event report


Increase of public awareness in enforcement of adult education opportunities in innovative ecofriendly technologies

    • Country: Spain
    • Organized by: FYG Consultores
    • Potential participants: End-users of the project activities and deliverables; Decision-makers at local scale; Lecturers in HEI and colleges; R&D personnel; Representatives of NGOs and civil society
    • IOs covered: all
    • Main topics: Spreading projects' results and fostering communication with the target audiences to raise awareness about innovative eco-friendly technologies; Exploitation of project achievements as a process of promoting individual end-users to adopt and/or apply them into practical use;

Event report


“ECO-Train project: forcing the practical application of knowledge to elicit ecological improvements”

    • Country: Greece
    • Organized by: Biognosis
    • Potential participants: Formal education units; Settings, providing adult education; Business representatives whose activities involve development of innovative eco-friendly technologies; Education policy-makers and social partners
    • IOs covered: all
    • Main topics: Information about the project achievements; Studying the ICT-based training potential to enforce innovative fundamental approaches in applied research, technology development and business initiatives; application of the produced technical manuals for operation of the b-training program and making Learning Outcomes

Event report


Innovative eco-friendly technologies training subject - an innovation of green economy

    • Country: Bulgaria
    • Organized by: SID-97 Ltd.
    • Potential participants: Green technologies application and use branches; Professionals from adult learning responsible institutions; Representatives of Eco-oriented NGOs; Green business representatives.
    • IOs covered: all
    • Main topics: discussions on the opportunities and challenges for learning providers related to the use of innovative learning approaches will be discussed. In this way, an active connection between research and the use of formal and non-formal learning methodologies will be established from eco-friendly perspective of economy and society.

Event report


Training with ICT - from computer literacy to computer competency

    • Country: Israel
    • Organized by: F. C. Perach Holdings Ltd.
    • Potential participants: ICT application and use branches; Managers and employees from SMEs that provide training to adults Eco-friendly business representatives
    • IOs covered: all
    • Main topics: Demonstration of the basic features of ECO-Train project and its Intellectual Outputs; Practical instructions to adult educators for ICT implementation for educational purposes; Structure and functioning of ECO-Train Web 2.0 platform; Structure and flexibility of operation of ECO-Train e-training model

Event report