• Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

Dissemination & Use Plan

The ECO-Train consortium mission towards D&U is to establish an effective cooperation between professionals, organizations, stakeholders in order to promote knowledge and skills development in project field. Since the project focuses on development of training opportunities for adults' educators, its Dissemination & Use Plan (D&UP) defines the activities effecting the gaining, providing an evaluating of Learning Outcomes in the training modules. Various types of dissemination measures together with suitable channels and appropriate agenda for broadcasting are planned inside an outside project partnership.

Dissemination targets

Within the partner organizations, national units for internal dissemination are constituted supported by experts (associated partners) in content provision with the potential to create а d set conditions for results' implementation.

The D&U measures outside the ECO-Train partnership are mainstreamed to adult professionals, educational community, local education authorities, teaching associations, teaching reviewers, on­line professional groups, regional/national events creators, etc. The activities planned for sharing of project results beyond ECO-Train partnership are focused on raising public awareness: spreading of information about the ECO-Train project to wide public to offer prospects for further exploitation of the results or а possible transfer of the training modules. They will take place throughout the project.

Dissemination activities

  • At project feasibility stage:
    • Shaping the D&U actions for sharing of project results beyond ECO-Train partnership
  • Along project advancement:
    • Exploiting appropriate local/regional media (project website; articles in popular journals, press releases, etc.)
    • Presentations of general character at local and international meetings, events, happenings, organized by educational settings, job fairs
    • Consistent contact to communities using informative material for external communication (flysheets, leaflets, placards, etc.) through predefined communication channels
    • Performance of regular information sessions, training, demonstrations
    • Flexible involvement of other stakeholders for results transferring to new end-users/areas/policies
    • Organization of Е1-Е6 connected to the demonstration of ECO-Train on-/off-line training modules to expert and non-expert pubic, policy-makers, and teaching/training professionals.
  • At the final report stage:
    • Uploading the final project results on Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
  • After project expiration:
    • Outlining prospects for future cooperation.

Dissemination tools


Sustainability report