• Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Eco-friendly ICT-based training outcomes for adults 2019-1-BG01-KA204-062366

  • Learn about main features of subject area Eco-Chemistry
  • Learn about the main levels of study through the hyperlinked ‘pop-in’/’pop-out’ courses descriptions





Eco-chemistry is a new, fast developing field of science that focuses on the behavior of chemicals (natural or man-made) in air, water, soils and sediments. It is an interdisciplinary field that studies chemical processes and their impacts on the composition and chemical makeup of air, water and soils. Positioned at the cross roads of important scientific subjects, eco-chemistry is centered around advanced analytical chemistry, regarding as well the basic principles of organic chemistry, soil science, biochemistry, toxicology and ecology. Environmental chemistry aimed at deciphering fundamental mechanisms ruling the behavior of chemicals (including pollutants) in ecosystems.

Besides the broad playground of eco-chemistry, it covers the following main study areas:

Environmental and analytical chemistry:

Offers basic knowledge and practical skills of professional analytical chemistry and its application to a variety of environmental systems and industrial processes

Medicinal and biological chemistry:

Introduces to the principles of medicinal chemistry including natural products’ isolation, processes performance and optimization

Atmospheric, soil and aquatic chemistry:

Provides knowledge about the chemistry of the biosphere, terrestrial and aquatic habitats the chemical concepts the processes taking part in them

Chemical fundamentals of nutrients cycling:

Presents a comprehensive view of the chemical basis of ecological interactions during nutrient cycling, covering the main chemical transformations

Chemical approaches to ecological issues:

Explains the environmental problems through the tools of chemical science and reveals natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution that rises ecological issues and impact Earth and human health

Green synthesis methods and materials:

Presents the modern trends in the green synthesis procedures of chemical compounds and materials and their contribution to the sustainability of chemical processes

Environmental chemistry applications:

Describes environmental chemistry applications that are focused on identification of the nature and source of pollutants - from monitoring reactions to full structure elucidation

Ecotoxicology and environment remediation:

Offers information about the monitoring, fate and risk assessment of contaminants in environmental and biological systems

Eco-chemistry explores the mechanisms through which the environment operates in norma, which chemicals in what concentrations are present in nature, and what effects they impose on it. On the basis of this understanding eco-chemistry offers a solid background on which the effects humans have on the environment through the release of chemicals can be evaluated and monitored. The mail role of eco-chemistry is to reveal the chemical mechanisms that are in the basis of the complex natural relationships.

ECO-CHEMISTRY - Learning Outcomes pool


Environmental and analytical chemistry

The course Environmental and analytical chemistry aims to equip trainees with a basic knowledge and practical skills of professional analytical chemistry and its application to a variety of environmental systems and industrial processes. The main topic to be addressed is chemical analysis (quantitative and qualitative), its theoretical fundaments and applications in the view point of valuable employment skills. In particular, techniques for determination of chemical composition and analysis for trace compounds, central to the environmental systems will be presented. The course will establish a sound understanding of the chemistry of the biosphere, the soil and the aquatic habitats. The atmospheric, terrestrial, riverine and oceanic chemical compositions and their interactions with humans will be discussed. Special emphasis will be given to human induced environmental events at local and global scale that result in climate and other environmental variations, examined at chemical level.

Environmental and analytical chemistry

The course Environmental and analytical chemistry aims to equip trainees with a basic knowledge and practical skills of professional analytical chemistry and its application to a variety of environmental systems and industrial processes. The main topic to be addressed is chemical analysis (quantitative and qualitative), its theoretical fundaments and applications in the view point of valuable employment skills. In particular, techniques for determination of chemical composition and analysis for trace compounds, central to the environmental systems will be presented. The course will establish a sound understanding of the chemistry of the biosphere, the soil and the aquatic habitats. The atmospheric, terrestrial, riverine and oceanic chemical compositions and their interactions with humans will be discussed. Special emphasis will be given to human induced environmental events at local and global scale that result in climate and other environmental variations, examined at chemical level.

Medicinal and biological chemistry

This course introduces to the principles of medicinal chemistry including natural products’ isolation, processes performance and optimisation. The principles of parallel and combinatorial synthesis will be described on the basis of these examples. An overview of the methods for protein structure determination will be provided, with emphasis on quantitative structure-activity relationships. Examples about the chemistry of key biological processes (e.g. enzyme chemistry, antibiotics action on various targets, etc.) will also be presented, together with introduction to the basics of biomimetic organic chemistry. The principles of rational design of complex molecules will be discussed. Bioinorganic chemistry will be presented, with a focus on electron transfer reactions in biological systems. Examples of electron transfer proteins will be given, e.g. those with haem moieties, copper centres, and iron sulfur clusters. Their roles in the mitochondrial respiratory electron transfer chain will be revealed.

Medicinal and biological chemistry

This course introduces to the principles of medicinal chemistry including natural products’ isolation, processes performance and optimisation. The principles of parallel and combinatorial synthesis will be described on the basis of these examples. An overview of the methods for protein structure determination will be provided, with emphasis on quantitative structure-activity relationships. Examples about the chemistry of key biological processes (e.g. enzyme chemistry, antibiotics action on various targets, etc.) will also be presented, together with introduction to the basics of biomimetic organic chemistry. The principles of rational design of complex molecules will be discussed. Bioinorganic chemistry will be presented, with a focus on electron transfer reactions in biological systems. Examples of electron transfer proteins will be given, e.g. those with haem moieties, copper centres, and iron sulfur clusters. Their roles in the mitochondrial respiratory electron transfer chain will be revealed.

Atmospheric, soil and aquatic chemistry

The general aim of this course is to provide knowledge about the chemistry of the biosphere, terrestrial and aquatic habitats the chemical concepts the processes taking part in them. Information about the kinetics, photochemistry and thermodynamics of the atmosphere will be given. Trainees will be able to examine the chemical aspects of specific atmospheric issues, like acid rain, climate change, the ozone cycle and greenhouse effects, etc. The course deals as well with the chemical reasons for the processes that degrade the soil resources (e.g. erosion, salinity, alkalinity and acidity, as well as degradation of soil structure), and provides knowledge about their measurement, avoidance and management. Finally, the chemical playground of different bodies of water will be discussed. Trainees will learn about how the chemical components of the water affect various aquatic environments and their inhabitants. Additional topics discussed include ground water chemistry, water contamination and biological oxygen demand.

Atmospheric, soil and aquatic chemistry

The general aim of this course is to provide knowledge about the chemistry of the biosphere, terrestrial and aquatic habitats the chemical concepts the processes taking part in them. Information about the kinetics, photochemistry and thermodynamics of the atmosphere will be given. Trainees will be able to examine the chemical aspects of specific atmospheric issues, like acid rain, climate change, the ozone cycle and greenhouse effects, etc. The course deals as well with the chemical reasons for the processes that degrade the soil resources (e.g. erosion, salinity, alkalinity and acidity, as well as degradation of soil structure), and provides knowledge about their measurement, avoidance and management. Finally, the chemical playground of different bodies of water will be discussed. Trainees will learn about how the chemical components of the water affect various aquatic environments and their inhabitants. Additional topics discussed include ground water chemistry, water contamination and biological oxygen demand.

Chemical fundamentals of nutrients cycling

This course provides trainees with a comprehensive view of the chemical basis of ecological interactions during nutrient cycling (C, N, P, S, Fe). It covers in details the main chemical transformations that take place during the processes of passing of nutrients among different components of a cell, community, or ecosystem and the cycling and reutilization of these components. Knowledge will be given about the approaches to quantify the rates at which nutrients are assimilated, transferred among biota, and released for subsequent re-assimilation. The importance of the cycling rate per unit time as an informative parameter of community or ecosystem operations, will be revealed. Selected examples for the impact of physical and biotic parameters alteration to bio-geochemical balance in nature will be presented. The changes in the Nutrient cycling, associated with availability of oxygen, and the changes in biogeochemical processes associated with low oxygen conditions will be discussed.

Chemical fundamentals of nutrients cycling

This course provides trainees with a comprehensive view of the chemical basis of ecological interactions during nutrient cycling (C, N, P, S, Fe). It covers in details the main chemical transformations that take place during the processes of passing of nutrients among different components of a cell, community, or ecosystem and the cycling and reutilization of these components. Knowledge will be given about the approaches to quantify the rates at which nutrients are assimilated, transferred among biota, and released for subsequent re-assimilation. The importance of the cycling rate per unit time as an informative parameter of community or ecosystem operations, will be revealed. Selected examples for the impact of physical and biotic parameters alteration to bio-geochemical balance in nature will be presented. The changes in the Nutrient cycling, associated with availability of oxygen, and the changes in biogeochemical processes associated with low oxygen conditions will be discussed.

Chemical approaches to ecological issues

The aim of this course is to provide trainees with the knowledge that will enable them to understand the environmental problems through the tools of chemical science. It covers both the natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution that rises ecological issues and discusses their impacts on Earth and human health in a balanced and scientifically rational way. The topics cover the significant environmental issues of: resource utilisation and waste, ecosystem services and ecological footprints, global cycles, national landscapes and soils, biodiversity, conservation biology and adaptive management. The chemic approaches to elucidate the reasons for rising and the solution for mitigation of these processes will be discussed. Selected examples for the important contributions that have been made by the chemical sciences toward solving environmental problems will be presented. Special emphasis on the opportunities for the chemistry to make future contributions toward understanding and improving the environment will be paid.

Chemical approaches to ecological issues

The aim of this course is to provide trainees with the knowledge that will enable them to understand the environmental problems through the tools of chemical science. It covers both the natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution that rises ecological issues and discusses their impacts on Earth and human health in a balanced and scientifically rational way. The topics cover the significant environmental issues of: resource utilisation and waste, ecosystem services and ecological footprints, global cycles, national landscapes and soils, biodiversity, conservation biology and adaptive management. The chemic approaches to elucidate the reasons for rising and the solution for mitigation of these processes will be discussed. Selected examples for the important contributions that have been made by the chemical sciences toward solving environmental problems will be presented. Special emphasis on the opportunities for the chemistry to make future contributions toward understanding and improving the environment will be paid.

Green synthesis methods and materials

This course describes the modern trends in the green synthesis of chemical compounds and materials. The basics of the synthesis procedures of green chemistry are presented and their contribution to the sustainability of chemical processes, energy savings, decreased reagents and final products toxicity, alleviated damage to the environment and human health, etc. are discussed. Selected examples are presented to emphasize on the green techniques that have been applied to synthesize both well-known chemical compounds by more sustainable routes and completely new ones. The course focuses as well on efficiency, chemo- and regio-selectivity, and stereochemistry. An overview is given of synthetic strategy including the design and control of stereochemistry in the synthesis of complex molecules. The applications of chemical principles in a variety of areas including industrial processes & chiral synthesis are addressed.

Green synthesis methods and materials

This course describes the modern trends in the green synthesis of chemical compounds and materials. The basics of the synthesis procedures of green chemistry are presented and their contribution to the sustainability of chemical processes, energy savings, decreased reagents and final products toxicity, alleviated damage to the environment and human health, etc. are discussed. Selected examples are presented to emphasize on the green techniques that have been applied to synthesize both well-known chemical compounds by more sustainable routes and completely new ones. The course focuses as well on efficiency, chemo- and regio-selectivity, and stereochemistry. An overview is given of synthetic strategy including the design and control of stereochemistry in the synthesis of complex molecules. The applications of chemical principles in a variety of areas including industrial processes & chiral synthesis are addressed.

Environmental chemistry applications

This course presents environmental chemistry applications that are focused on identification of the nature and source of pollutants - from monitoring reactions to full structure elucidation. It discusses chemistry topics most important in environmental applications and related to risk/hazard assessments and environmental impact assessments; fundamentals of environmental management; soil, ground- and surface-water protection, policies for cleaner production and management of wastes. Special attention is paid to the chemical basis of environmental indicators that are uses for monitoring and maintenance of a non-degrading environment. For practical use, the basic theories and principles need to be understood to cope with the frequently encountered environmental problems will be provided, e.g. pollution of water, soils, atmosphere, food and living organisms by toxic metals, fossil fuels, pesticides and other organic pollutants.

Environmental chemistry applications

This course presents environmental chemistry applications that are focused on identification of the nature and source of pollutants - from monitoring reactions to full structure elucidation. It discusses chemistry topics most important in environmental applications and related to risk/hazard assessments and environmental impact assessments; fundamentals of environmental management; soil, ground- and surface-water protection, policies for cleaner production and management of wastes. Special attention is paid to the chemical basis of environmental indicators that are uses for monitoring and maintenance of a non-degrading environment. For practical use, the basic theories and principles need to be understood to cope with the frequently encountered environmental problems will be provided, e.g. pollution of water, soils, atmosphere, food and living organisms by toxic metals, fossil fuels, pesticides and other organic pollutants.

Ecotoxicology and environmental remediation

This course provides trainees with an understanding of the monitoring, fate and risk assessment of contaminants in environmental and biological systems. The major classes of contaminants are discussed: heavy metals, pesticides, and other water-, soil- and food-borne toxicants. The characteristics of the contaminants that effect their distribution and transformations in the environment as well as the properties of the environment, which influence contaminant toxicity to organisms are presented. Trainees are introduced to the basic principles of toxicology, an understanding they need to assess the environmental consequences of contaminants. Furthermore, novel bio-assays that are used to assess the toxicity of various pollutants such as dioxins and endocrine disrupters within complex media are presented. Information about sensitive methods, which trace the fate of pollutants in complex ecosystems is also included.

Ecotoxicology and environmental remediation

This course provides trainees with an understanding of the monitoring, fate and risk assessment of contaminants in environmental and biological systems. The major classes of contaminants are discussed: heavy metals, pesticides, and other water-, soil- and food-borne toxicants. The characteristics of the contaminants that effect their distribution and transformations in the environment as well as the properties of the environment, which influence contaminant toxicity to organisms are presented. Trainees are introduced to the basic principles of toxicology, an understanding they need to assess the environmental consequences of contaminants. Furthermore, novel bio-assays that are used to assess the toxicity of various pollutants such as dioxins and endocrine disrupters within complex media are presented. Information about sensitive methods, which trace the fate of pollutants in complex ecosystems is also included.